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Can type 2 diabetes be prevent

发布时间:2008-08-16 09:20:57        

Can type 2 diabetes be prevented?

Research has dem***trated that people at risk for type 2 diabetes can prevent or delay developing type 2 diabetes by losing a little weight. The results of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) showed that moderate diet changes and physical activity can delay and prevent type 2 diabetes. Participants in this Federally funded study of 3,234 people at high risk for diabetes experienced a 5- to 7-percent weight loss. For example, a 5- to 7-percent weight loss for a 200-pound person would be 10 to 14 pounds.

Study participants were overweight and had higher than normal levels of blood glucose, a condition called pre-diabetes, also called impaired glucose tolerance. Both pre-diabetes and obesity are strong risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Because of the high risk for diabetes among some minority groups, about half of the DPP participants were African American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic/Latino.

DPP participants also included others at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes, such as women with a history of gestational diabetes and individuals aged 60 and older.

The DPP tested two approaches to preventing diabetes: lifestyle change—a program of healthy eating and exercise—and the diabetes drug metformin. People in the lifestyle change group exercised about 30 minutes a day 5 days a week, usually by walking, and lowered their intake of fat and calories. Those who took the diabetes drug metformin received information on exercise and diet. A third group only received information on exercise and diet.

The results showed that people in the lifestyle change group reduced their risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 58 percent. In the first year of the study, people lost an ***erage of 15 pounds. Lifestyle change was even more effective in those aged 60 and older. They reduced their risk by 71 percent. People receiving metformin reduced their risk by 31 percent.



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product name: sunrise tablets

ingredients: mulberry le***es,fern,cucumber son,malt,natural cellulose, etc

netcontent: 0.3g X 180

suggested daily intake: 6 tablets (3servings perbay)

direction: take with warm water

appropriate people: a complication of diabetes,such as microvascular complicati***, the diabetic renopathy, cell adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of diabetic meuropathy, microvascular and macrovascular complicati*** ,diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy etc.(******,如,微细血管***,******,末梢***病变,微细血管和大血管***,******病变 以及******病变等)

appropriate people in simple: fingers-numbness, foot-numbness,blurred vision,tired, legs with dropsy(手麻,脚麻,视力模糊,疲倦,双腿浮肿)

warning: this is a dietary supplement and does not replace any pharmaceutical products

storage: store in dry conditi*** and ***oid direct light/heat exposure

quality guaranteed for 24 months


contact: ***: 634234997

E-MAIL: hongfengyezhilv@126.com


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